Thursday, January 11, 2007


opportunity: lost because my conscience told me to do the right thing. so does 2 rights make a wrong now? for the sake of integrity and accountability, i put myself in trouble that made me upset.. the price to pay for honesty and morality.. tell me i'm right..

encounter: depressing jealously at first, yet still happy at every subsequent thought of the subject in question.. as it always should have been.. the dormant mentality, alive again..

organisation: in a state of loss, trying to bring back the order needed.. how prepared am i now? less than i wished i were..

contentment: so quickly, the thankfulness is forgotten. contentment is not as easy to achieve as the preacher can understand. often the pesimmism sets in, and the big picture, lost..

moments: immersed in spurts of rekindled emotions.. lost in thoughts, lost in feelings, then woken up to reality. those in the past might have been more than infatuations.. but i never had the courage, and missed the blessings of time..